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We value your feedback.

Traditional medicines from my GP for my aches & pains were letting me down.  I  embarked on a journey seeking and finding a drug free solution to my aches & pains.

 My back pain and tennis elbow have disappeared since I applied magnetic therapy in the form of titanium & magnetic bracelet. Magnets worked so well and I was so impressed....I started this company!"

My mission is simple:

Help millions of  people to feel better and live fuller lives.

My  goal is to spread awareness about the benefits of magnetic therapy support. Health support that is non-invasive and as old as time.

Join me in my pursuit of a pain-free fuller life.

The above Affidavit is submitted by : Mr.Vic R (cert.natural heath care) family man, nz bird conservationist, outdoors man, horseman, business man, director of zenteq health and 3 x New Zealand Motor cross Champion. 

 What our customers say about their experience with Zenteq Magnetic Therapy:

Zenteq has many many amazing Testimonials and the hard copies are available to read in our Head Office , Nelson. Zenteq is in the process of authenticating our testimonals as requested by

the Advertising Standards Authority.

The below Affidavits are from customers wearing Bioflow and can be read at

Bioflow products can be purchased online through Zenteq Health.

From Brenda living in Ocean Reef WA, Company Director, worn bracelet 5 year’s states:

“I am making this Statutory Declaration of my own free will”. Prior to purchasing a Bioflow from my friend Janet Cozens I suffered Chronic Pain for which I needed to take 8-12 Panadeine tablets plus other dangerous drugs my hands were clenched and distorted and my finger dead. I was bent over and needed gutter crutches to inch around my home. Once a week I would go to shopping and would need a wheelchair for this excursion. I had trouble washing my hair and performing normal ablutions for myself and because my health was debilitating I was looking to sell my home and go into care. I was in so much pain that I hardly managed asleep and used to listen to night time radio. Even one hours sleep was a blessing.

When my friend asked me to try Bioflow I was very angry as my specialist had warned me about these types of products. Janet Cozens told me that she had wonderful results from using Bioflow for her Arthritis and if it were not for her encouragement I would never have given Bioflow a try.

I tried a Bioflow and within a week I began to get feeling back to my fingers and after a month or so I could use my hands for washing up. In fact I no longer dropped plates and cups while washing up. It was also nice to be able to write greeting cards again. One night I had what I could only call a crises whereby I seemed to unwind and after this crisis I had the best sleep for about three hours and when I awoke I had significantly less pain and gradually as time went O was able to stop taking pain killing tablets. I no longer need pain killing tablets.

When I told my Doctors they advised me I was in remission and the Bioflow had nothing to do with my recovery. I decided to remove the Bioflow to find out if I were in remission. Each day passed my pain became more severe and on the third morning I could hardly manage to get out of bed so I put my Bioflow back on. The pain left me slowly and now I would never take my Bioflow off.

I have been so lucky to find Bioflow and so impressed with what it can do for peoples pain that I decided to become a Distributor so that I am able to help many people. I have found that I have helped thousands of pain suffers who in turn send their friends to me to buy Bioflow. The thing I hear most from clients is that they will never take their Bioflow off.

My doctors will vouch that this is true as they have seen me through all my trauma.

Affidavit number 8

From Robert living in Ocean Reef WA, Company Director, worn bracelet 5½ year’s states:

“I am making this Statutory Declaration of my own free will”. Prior to November 2005 I suffered chronic Back Pain which was affecting my left calf muscles. I sought help from my GP Dr Ross Harvey and was prescribed Voltarin which helped with this pain. I have endured back pain since 1977 when I strained my back lifting items into the boot of a Police vehicle.

My back pain was so severe that I had to get out from bed by 6am as lying in bed seemed to aggravate my condition. I would sometimes have to crawl to the shower to put some heat into my lower back so that I could stand erect.

The Police Doctor had me see a specialist Dr Ian Stewart who advised me on how to manage my pain. With the help of Voltaren and other anti-Inflammatory prescriptions I managed my condition keeping very fit and active until early 2000 when I began to get severe left calf cramps. It was at this stage when my GP Dr Ross Harvey had me see Peter Woodland a specialist surgeon.

I was reticent to have back surgery as I have friends who have had this procedure.

I put up with back pain and calf cramps until after retiring from the West Australian Police force when I by chance heard of Bioflow through a Builder from North Wales who was helping me with renovations. His name is Adam Driver-Williams who wore a Bioflow and Swore by it. Although extremely sceptical decided to try Bioflow and within three weeks I noticed that my pain seemed to be easing. It was not until about 6 months later that I realised I was pain free.

I have tried not wearing the Bioflow and find that my pain returns in about three days. So I will never take my Bioflow off.

My Doctors will vouch that this is true as they have seen me through all my trauma.

From Glenda living in Millbrook WA, Clerk worn bracelet 2 years’ states:

“I am making this Statutory Declaration of my own free will.

My bracelet has helped with my sleeping and with constant ache in my right elbow.”

Affidavit number 10

From Peter living in Seaford Victoria, retired worn bracelet 7 years’ states:

In April 2004 I was using an electronic acupuncture machine to relieve the pain in my fingers caused by arthritis. Every three weeks or so the pain would be so intense that I would sit down for half an hour and treat the acupuncture points on all my fingers and both my thumbs. The pain would go away and then start to come back around three weeks later.

I bought an Bioflow Reflex bracelet in April 2004 and started wearing it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; it wasn’t until the following August, some 4 months later, that I realised that I had not had to use my acupuncture machine to relieve the pain of the arthritis in my fingers.

I have been using other Bioflow products such as the Boost Belt and the Biopad to deal with the ‘after golf discomfort’ in my lower back and my right knee for the past two years and they have both relieved my pain and discomfort.

I am making this Statutory Declaration of my own free will.

From Ennio living in Maylands WA, retired hairdresser, worn bracelet 4 years states:

“I am making this Statutory Declaration of my own free will.

Due to my work I was on my feet all day and suffered from sciatica pain on the right side of my back. Within months I noticed a significant improvement and more importantly noticed a very rapid recovery from heavy exertion or Golf. I am now totally pain free. I was so happy with my Bioflow I began to recommend Bioflow to my clients who have all had great results.”

From Minnie living in Maylands WA, retired Registered Nurse, worn bracelet 5 years states:

“I am making this Statutory Declaration of my own free will.

I have suffered from chronic back pain and had back surgery in 1996 and still suffered from the pain. I was introduced to Bioflow and decided to give Bioflow a try. This was two weeks before I had a total Knee replacement. My recovery from surgery was amazing my Specialist remarked on how quick I was back to normal. Meanwhile my back pain had lessened considerably and within 6 months I was totally pain free. I am too scared to take the Bioflow off.”

From Jacqueline living in Mindarie WA, retired Registered Nurse, worn bracelet 5 years states:

“I am making this Statutory Declaration of my own free will. I have rheumatoid arthritis in a couple of fingers on each hand. I had been concerned about their swelling and had previously been to the doctors about this. I was advised that I could have an operation (at a price) to reduce the swelling but the joints would be less manoeuvrable. I found the Bioflow has helped keep the joints supple and i have full use of those fingers and full movement. When I remove the Bioflow for a period of time i notice that my fingers begin to stiffen. I also purchased a Bioflow for other family members. In particular my son had been having many treatments for warts on his feet. Such treatment was to have the warts removed by freezing them with liquid nitrogen and having the warts removed. This was painful and left scar tissue and took some time to heal. I purchased the Bioflow for him in 2007 and he wore it for the primary reason to assist with growing pains in his knees and ankles. Not only did the Bioflow help with the growing pains but after a few weeks of wearing it he noticed that the warts that he had on his feet were disappearing and that the scar tissue from previous wart removals was noticeably improved. He has not had any warts since and as a teenage boy he continues to wear the Bioflow everyday (only taking it off for sporting activities) and he uses the magnetic belt when he suffers a sporting injury to aid with the recovery process.

From Ken living in Pearsall WA, retired Electrical Contractor, worn bracelet 5 years’ states:

“I am making this Statutory Declaration of my own free will”. I have suffered from Arthritis for many years. I had a hip replacement in 1993 and was on anti inflammatory tablets, but still had pain in other joints. I tried everything but nothing seemed to work. I was told about Bioflow from a friend and decided to try one. With the money back performance warranty I had little to lose. After approximately 3 months I started to cut back on the anti inflammatories and then stopped them completely. I have to say the Bioflow had worked for me. I tried taking it off however aches and pains returned so I out it back on. I only ever take it off to shower. I also had two small dogs one with back problems and the other Arthritis I put Bioflow on both and it gave them a new lease on life.

Affidavit number 15

From Gisele living in Subiaco WA, Reflexologist, worn bracelet 1 year states:

“I am making this Statutory Declaration of my own free will”. I injured a ligament in my hand which caused excruciation Pain. I WENT TO MY DOCTOR who told me I had to take three weeks off work to allow time for the problem to heal. I purchased a Bioflow as I heard that it may help heal faster. In two days the sharp pain was gone and I was able to return to my reflexology business in six days. I am happy with my Bioflow and recommend Bioflow.

From Anne living in Karrinyup, WA, worn bracelet 5 year’s states:

“I am making this Statutory Declaration of my own free will”. Bioflow had helped with Back pain, Arthritis in fingers and hands. Have not had any pain since wearing it.

Affidavit number 17

From Heather living in Greenwood WA, Home Duties, worn bracelet 4 year states:

“I am making this Statutory Declaration of my own free will”. I had a car accident approx 5 ½ years ago and had problems with bad whiplash affected my neck, hips and 3 vertebra. The Bioflow took the pain away – detoxed my body, helped my left eye and I recommend it to lots of friends who also found it invaluable e.g. knee pain, migraines, gout. I wear it 24/7 and never take it off!! If I do for a few hours I feel tied it has changes lives!!

From Terry living in Bedfordale WA, Farmer, worn bracelet 1 ½ months states:

“I am making this Statutory Declaration of my own free will”. Relieved intense pain in neck, skin cancers starting to disappear.

Affidavit number 19

From Maxwell living in Swan View WA, Maintenance Supervisor, worn bracelet 6 month’s states:

“I am making this Statutory Declaration of my own free will”. These products definitely stop the need for most other products. Up until now I have suffered with lots of back knee and shoulder pain.

Affidavit number 20

From George living in Woodvale WA, Courier, worn bracelet 1 year states:

“I am making this Statutory Declaration of my own free will”. I purchased my Bioflow Natural Pain Relief Bracelet from Brenda last year and it has helped me with Arthritic Pain Relief and mobility and I would not be without it. I recommend this product to anyone with aches and pains.

Affidavit number 21

From Lina living in City Beach WA, Director, worn bracelet 2 year’s states:

“I am making this Statutory Declaration of my own free will”. I believe that Bioflow took away my back pain, I believe it’s good for my whole body. I tried not to wear it and all my pains have come back as before so now I will never take it off.

From Edward living in Woodvale WA, Account/Tax Agent, worn bracelet 4 year’s states:

“I am making this Statutory Declaration of my own free will”. Prior to wearing a Bioflow Bracelet, for two years I used to suffer from abdominal pain in my lower back and in my lower stomach area. I also found it difficult to get out of bed and off a lounge because my lower torso areas would go all stiff. After wearing a Bioflow Bracelet for about nine days, my stiffness and my pain in my lower torso disappeared. My condition has never returned in the 4 years and 5 months that I have been wearing the Bioflow Bracelet. The only time my condition returns is if I take the Bioflow off for an extended time.

Affidavit number 23

From Phillip living in Mandurah WA, Retired, worn bracelet 1 year states:

“I am making this Statutory Declaration of my own free will”. I suffered chronic pain so bad I was given morphine injections also other very strong pain killers. Nothing worked for me so I decided to give Bioflow a go. After 4 months I was virtually pain free and still am. I now take no tablets what so ever for pain relief.

Affidavit number 24

From Joan living in Kallaroo WA, Property Manager, worn bracelet 3 year’s states:

“I am making this Statutory Declaration of my own free will”. I have a problem with my joints and when I first began to wear the bracelet I noticed a drastic change as the pain in my knee joints had decreased enormously within a couple of days. I will not go a day without wearing the bracelet.

Affidavit number 25

From Erica living in Leeming WA, Receptionist (part time), worn bracelet 1 ½ year’s states:

“I am making this Statutory Declaration of my own free will”. My severe lower back pain disappeared within days of wearing the bracelet, and it has not re appeared. I have also noticed that since wearing the bracelet, bruises and minor cuts have healed much more quickly than in the past. I have also noticed that my sleep has been deeper and more refreshing since wearing the bracelet.

Affidavit number 26

From Michael living in Ulverstone Tasmania, Retired, worn bracelet 3 year’s states:

“I am making this Statutory Declaration of my own free will”. It has enabled me to walk without a walking stick as the pain of arthritis will stay away from the knees. Plus it gives pain relief in the whole body so I am able to live without taking pain killing drugs. I have also purchased one each for my wife and my son both, are very happy with them.

Affidavit number 27

From Nicole living in Merriwa WA, Cashier, worn bracelet 1 month states:

“I am making this Statutory Declaration of my own free will”. It is helping with my pain and general health. I am never taking it off as it has started changing my life. I have now told people who want to try it. I have fibromyalgia, fatigue, irritable bowel and psorsis . Royal Show Oct 2011 I have now reached 10 months with the Bioflow bracelet and I now have a life I can exercise again and feel well all over, the best I have felt so well now I can’t believe it myself.

Affidavit number 28

From George living in Busselton WA, Self Employed, worn bracelet 11 month’s states:

“I am making this Statutory Declaration of my own free will”. Eased my pain swelling for rheumatoid arthritis more than any other drugs or product on the market. I will never take it off!

Affidavit number 29

From Patricia living in Harrisdale WA, Administration, worn bracelet 2 year’s states:

“I am making this Statutory Declaration of my own free will”. I had constant, nagging shoulder pain, since I’ve worn my bracelet I have found that the pain has reduced considerably.

Affidavit number 30

From Roslyn living in Thornlie WA, Retail Manager, worn bracelet 1 ½ year’s states:

“I am making this Statutory Declaration of my own free will”. Effectively reduced back pain and knee pain to the point where I could cease taking pain killers.

Affidavit number 31

From Silvia living in Port Kennedy WA, Sales Manager and Marketing, worn bracelet 8 months states:

“I am making this Statutory Declaration of my own free will”. After breaking my hip 7 years ago, I had so much pain in my groin, since wearing my bracelet I’m now 95% pain free. Thank you Brenda and Bob, I tell all my family and friends.

Affidavit number 32

From Thomas living in Ocean Reef WA, Director of Radikls Pty Ltd, worn bracelet 4 years and 7 months states:

“I am making this Statutory Declaration of my own free will”. Having played rugby and squash for many years I had developed severe tennis elbow in both elbows and required decompression surgery to my right shoulder. In order to play golf I needed to strap both forearms and even then the level of discomfort after a game of golf was making the thought of playing quite unpleasant. I decided to try magnetic therapy having read some good reports (and some bad and some indifferent reports).

By chance I came into contact with Bob Kirby at the Dowerin Field day in 2006, I bought a Bioflow bracelet on the understanding that I would get most of my money back if it did not work for me. Within a fairly short time, maybe two weeks or so, the difference in my elbows noticeable, my shoulder took a little longer. But since 2006 I have played golf almost on a weekly basis and have not needed to strap my forearms since wearing my Bioflow.

On a recent trip to Bali I lost my Bioflow bracelet and within a few days my elbows were again very sensitive and even carrying my case was quite painful. On my return to Perth, the first thing I did was replace the Bioflow, once more my elbows are pain free. I now own two Bioflow bracelets, one spare in case I should ever lose another one

Affidavit number 33

From Janet living in Exmouth WA, Retired, worn bracelet 5 year’s states:

“I am making this Statutory Declaration of my own free will”. I tried a Bioflow bracelet with the recommendation of a friend. I suffered osteoarthritis of my fingers, this was causing me severe pain especially at night. In a very short space of time I became pain free, was sleeping better and able to return to my hobby of sewing.

Due solely to the excellent results I had experienced, I managed finally to convince a dear friend of mine Brenda Roche who was absolutely crippled with Rheumatoid Arthritis to try one of their bracelets. She decided to give it a go, I believe this was against the advice of her specialist, hence much of her reluctance but she tried. I understand that he was amazed at the improvement she exhibited at their next meeting.

I continue to recommend anyone I see suffering pain from a debilitating illness to at least try Bioflow Magnetic products, secure in the knowledge that a generous refund is returned to them if they are not satisfied.

Affidavit number 34

From David living in Exmouth WA, Retired, worn bracelet 5 year’s states:

“I am making this Statutory Declaration of my own free will”. When I first heard of Bioflow I was suffering frequent attacks of Gout and had been for a couple of years. Mr. Kirby suggested I purchase a Bioflow bracelet on the understanding I could return it within three months for a refund if I found little or no improvement. This I did and within a couple of months the intensity of my Gout attacks was reducing and so was the frequency. I continued to wear the bracelet and over a period of four to five months the frequency and intensity of my attacks continued to reduce.

I have now worn my bracelet in excess of five years, I suffer only three or four mild attacks of Gout per year and these cause me very little discomfort, but I know it’s there. I drive hundreds of kilometres a year, often six to eight hundred in one journey. Due to back injuries from the past I used to have great difficulty in getting out of my vehicle and walking. For four years now I have used a Magnetic Bioflow product behind my back when driving. I can exit my vehicle with little or no discomfort at all after sitting in position for several hours.

I recommend Bioflow bracelets to dozens of people and when it works for them they like me cannot spread the word fast enough to their family and friends. I personally have never heard of anyone claiming they felt no benefit at all.

Affidavit number 35

From Thierry living in Bullsbrook WA, Director, worn bracelet 3 year’s states:

“I am making this Statutory Declaration of my own free will”. I have suffered from pain in my knees for many years. I tried everything but nothing seemed to work. I was introduced to Bioflow from a friend and decided to try one. Since wearing the Bioflow bracelet the pain in my knees disappeared and I have been able to do some activities that I couldn’t do before wearing Bioflow. I have tried taking it off however the pain returned so I am wearing my Bioflow bracelet and I will never take it off.

Affidavit number 36

From Brian living in Beckenham WA, Sponsorship Sales Manager, Curtin fm 100.1, worn bracelet 2½ year’s states:

“I am making this Statutory Declaration of my own free will”. I believe Bioflow Bracelet has helped me by relieving pain and discomfort from severely arthritic elbows caused by extensive elbow crutch use over 60 years. (permanent leg paralysis from childhood poliomyelitis in July 1951).

Affidavit number 37

From Jennifer living in Maylands WA, Radio Presenter, worn bracelet 7 months states:

“I am making this Statutory Declaration of my own free will”. I was suffering with incredible finger pain as a result of arthritis, pharmacy medication was not working. The pain was affecting my daily activities. Bioflow have been a client on Curtin Radio for sometime, so with their obvious success with others, with nothing to lose I tried it for myself. Within a week the pain had subsided about 60% and now 7 months later, the finger pain has all but gone. I have recommended the bracelet to many people.

Affidavit number 38

From Stephen living in Joondalup WA, Electrical Supervisor, worn bracelet 2 year’s states:

“I am making this Statutory Declaration of my own free will”. After an operation in my left knee I suffered for years with pain caused by both the healing and arthritis. After hearing on Curtin radio about the Bioflow product and with a money back guarantee I had to try it. After about 4 months the pain disappeared and I could once again play tennis. Fixed pain in my back (lower) also I have since introduced 3 more people.

Affidavit number 39

From Glenn living in Marangaroo WA, Forklift Operator, worn bracelet 4 year’s states:

“I am making this Statutory Declaration of my own free will”. I believe Bioflow enabled me to go thru life pain free, and do any activity I wish, without any pain. Lost old one and pain returned, purchased new one and pain free again.

Affidavit number 40

From Frank living in Bindoon WA, Farmer, worn bracelet 5 year’s states:

“I am making this Statutory Declaration of my own free will”. Prior to wearing the bracelet I had shoulder pain arthritic pain in my hands. Since wearing the bracelet the greatly reduced, I recommend this bracelet to many people and they have had simular results.

Affidavit number 41

From Martha living in Bayswater WA, Account/Tax Agent, worn bracelet many year’s states:

“I am making this Statutory Declaration of my own free will”. Alleviated chronic pain associated with Fibromyalgia which had troubled me for a lengthy period of time.

Affidavit number 42

From Linda living in High Wycombe WA, Home Duties, worn bracelet 11 month’s states:

“I am making this Statutory Declaration of my own free will”. I am pain free since migraines at age 10 chronic back pain and sciatica for over 30 years. Unable to walk without help for 16 years plus trying massage acupuncture and every medical treatment possible; Bioflow gave me my life back immediately and I want everyone to experience good health and well being.

Affidavit number 43

From Jackie living in Narrogin WA, Office, worn bracelet 1 ½ year’s states:

“I am making this Statutory Declaration of my own free will”. Have arthritis in my wrist and on wearing this bracelet have found it to be great. Shower and sleep in it and has not tarnished at all, highly recommended.

Affidavit number 44

From Sarah living in Wonga Hills WA, Director of Dsatco Mulch, worn bracelet 1 year states:

“I am making this Statutory Declaration of my own free will”. I believe that the Bioflow Bracelet has helped with hot flushes.

Affidavit number 45

From Fraser living in Wembley WA, Director, worn bracelet 2 year’s states:

“I am making this Statutory Declaration of my own free will”. Had surgical fusion/discectomy, knee surgery in 2006/2007. Medication barely relieves the symptoms. This bracelet does, what strong medication cannot. I have lost the old one and have obtained a replacement, all should be good again.

Affidavit number 46

From John living in Harvey WA, Bank Manager, worn bracelet 3 year’s states:

“I am making this Statutory Declaration of my own free will”. I believe that the Bioflow bracelet has helped me with pain relief, back pain.

Affidavit number 47

From Michael living in Bunbury WA, Shift Supervisor, worn bracelet 1 ½ year’s states:

“I am making this Statutory Declaration of my own free will”. I umpire Australian Rules football and suffered from heel spurs which are very painful. Since wearing Bioflow Magnet I have had no more pain and still umpiring league football at 51 years of age.

Affidavit number 48

From Carol living in Australind WA, Meat Worker, worn bracelet 3 year’s states:

“I am making this Statutory Declaration of my own free will”. My job (meat works) is very physical, active and involves working in a chilled environment on cold concrete floors; at age 52 I found aches, pains and cold feet and toes were affecting my job performance. Since purchasing my bracelet I have found my circulation has boosted i.e. don’t feel the cold and any aches that I have are gone by the next day. So passionate about my Bioflow bracelet it can’t be written down and I can’t say enough.

Affidavit number 49

From Phillip living in Mingenew WA, Plant Operator, worn bracelet 2 year’s states:

“I am making this Statutory Declaration of my own free will”. I believe that the Bioflow bracelet has relieved arthritic pain in my fingers of right hand, elbow and shoulder.

Affidavit number 50

From Michael living in High Wycombe WA, worn bracelet 1 month states:

“I am making this Statutory Declaration of my own free will”. Warts disappeared in two weeks.

Affidavit number 51

From Terence living WA, Pensioner, worn bracelet 3 year’s states:

“I am making this Statutory Declaration of my own free will”. I believe that the Bioflow bracelet has helped with neck pain and arthritis.

Affidavit number 52

From Mark living in Safety Bay WA, Boilermaker, worn bracelet 3 year’s states:

“I am making this Statutory Declaration of my own free will”. I believe that the Bioflow bracelet relives pain from any part of my body and takes headaches away in less than ½ hour. Don’t know what it would be like without as I’m not game to try.

Affidavit number 53

From David living in Yokine WA, Baker, worn bracelet 1 year states:

“I am making this Statutory Declaration of my own free will”. Bioflow improved my circulation I am totally pain free. No lower back pain, lost weight I feel fitter than I have for years.

Affidavit number 54

From Vlade & Mary living in Balcatta WA, Retired, worn bracelet 3 year’s states:

“I am making this Statutory Declaration of my own free will”. I believe that the Bioflow bracelet has helped me with my shoulder and joints.

Affidavit number 55

From B. H. living in Bindoon WA, Retired, worn bracelet 11 month’s states:

“I am making this Statutory Declaration of my own free will”. I believe Bioflow helped as I suffered very painful shoulder, couldn’t open any gate, painful nights. Shoulder better can open the gate and now sleep well.

Affidavit number 56

From Kay living in Scarborough WA, worn bracelet 4 year’s states:

“I am making this Statutory Declaration of my own free will”. I never take my bracelet off because of my arthritis.

Affidavit number 57

From Peter living in Embleton WA, worn bracelet 4 year’s states:

“I am making this Statutory Declaration of my own free will”. I had bad arthritis in both hands and fingers, after the purchase of a bracelet at the show I have a 90% improvement.

Affidavit number 58

From Joanne living in Benger WA, Horsebreaker, worn bracelet 1 year states:

“I am making this Statutory Declaration of my own free will”. I suffered with lower back pain that caused me to feel nauseous, once I started wearing my Bioflow bracelet I no longer have the level of pain.

Affidavit number 59

From Royston living in Toodyay WA.

“I am making this Statutory Declaration of my own free will”. I had shoulder pain for years while shearing. Two specialists wanted to take my shoulder joint out. Since having the bracelet I have had no operation and have no more pain.

Affidavit number 60

From Richard living in Clayton Bay SA. Boilermaker/Welder

“I am making this Statutory Declaration of my own free will”. Bioflow Bracelet has helped with blood flow and pain from my right arm, which was from Ross River Virus. After losing my bracelet 5 weeks ago my pains have come back again. Now that I have purchased another magnet bracelet my pains have gone away again.

Anne is wearing the full magnetic Elise $199.00 Buy Anne's bracelet here today. 

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Congratulations to our Zenteq Winners!

$300 Chanelle Titanium Bracelet: Mrs Diane V. Red Beach-090

$150 Elise Bracelet : Miss Ariana C. Whakamara -5628

$100 Titanium Lifestyle Band: Mr Owen S. Waipukurau -6673

$100 Titanium Lifestyle Band: Mrs Sandra O. Oamaru -2368

$100 Titanium Lifestyle Band : Mrs Samantha M. Flaxmere -7760

60 % Discount Voucher:

Helen S. Carterton-7698 , David T. Hamilton 2398 , Gaye G. Hastings-9966, Shirley K. Kawerau-7776 , Marion C. Taradale-8110 , Michele R. RD4 Taupo-6565 , Denise O. Whakatane-2345 , Khalen O. Thornbury-1189 , Tania Mc. Abbotsford-8933, Joy L. Kamo -8789 , Asenaca M. Dunedin-0093 , Helen C. Otoutou-0055 , Paula R. Dunedin-6567 ,

Casey J Roxburgh-3434 , Linda C. Dunedin-9988 , Rosemarie R. Gore-4433 , Heather H. Napier-6457 , Debra B. Hastings -4367 , Lois M. Ashburton-0009 , Lizette S. Albany-6008 ,

Martin G. Sunnynook -3245 , Paul J. Taupo-9994 , Muriel M. Outram-5861 , Joan Z. Napier-6656 , Jeanette G. Taupo-2221 , Carol T. Waikanea-7762 , Rachel G. Taupo-0044 , Sharon M. Taupo-5578 , Andrea B. Taupo-4411 , Ben B. taupo-0034 , Chris A. Wanganui-7681 , Jan R. Te Awamutu-2299 , Sheil D. Kari Hari-1119.

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