your health is your wealth
Who we are and why us?
Located in New Zealand's beautiful South Island. Zenteq is your local company with nz customers surpassing 40.000! Wearing Zenteq magnetic support means you are dealing with a real NZ company, trusted by 40.000 Kiwis ,with real NZ support and guarantees! We is passionate about natural health. Our mission is to seek information, educate and supply natural therapies to every age group. Magnetic therapy is top of the list in natural pain relief and we only use the best magnets for your health. Our magnets are so long lasting, that we offer a life time guarantee! Magnetic therapy support is Real energy you can see & feel!
Meet our dedicated team:
Peter & Ethel : Auckland
Peter, a decorated retired Police Commissioner and university degree graduate wife Ethel, live in Auckland. They are passionate about spreading the Zenteq word and look forward to having a chat with you. They can help you decide which magnetic band is best suited for you. Peter swears by the Senator wristband for his back pain, and Ethel chooses to wear the Elise And Chelsea for her aches & pains.
Stephanie : Blenheim
Stephanie has degree qualifications in natural health, natural healing & medicines. Stephanie can help you in Blenheim, Marlborough. Stephanie will be delighted to share her experiences about magnetic therapy and other health related issues with you! Stephanie is wearing the titanium Chanelle..not only for its looks but to ease her shoulder pains.
Marg : Christchurch
Marg is a real whizz with finances. She loves travel and dotes on her beautiful family. In Canterbury you can meet up with Marg. Located in Christchurch, Marg is a most valuable member of our team. She has a real dedication to natural health. Marg wears the titanium Chanelle, she says she won't leave home without it! Marg specializes in magnetic therapy and often pops in at Trade-shows to lend an extra hand!
Joanna : Melbourne
Joanna is our traveling health consultant. Joanna knows her Zenteq stuff! Her favorite Zenteq Bracelet is the Elise...which is almost glued to her wrist! Currently located in Australia, her passions are singing & acting. Keep your eye out for her on the ozzie soap Neighbours :-) yes, she is wearing her Elise magnetic bracelet on the show. Good on ya Joanna :-)
Ann : Nelson
Ann is our marketing and customer service manager. Passionate about Zenteq health, Ann is always on the look out for natural products and news to share with you. Should you have any inquiries about our products, guarantees, sales, or how to become part of our sales team. Ann is choosing to wear the full magnetic titanium Chanelle for her restless legs. She feedback is that she is delighted with the results.
Sales Inquiries: zenteq@nym.hush.com phone us : 03-5487888
Victor : Nelson
Zenteq's Director is Victor. Vic is a successful business and sportsman. After being crowned New Zealand's motor cross champion (3 times!) he stepped into his family's footsteps and became a third generation framer and art dealer. His passions are family and friends, animals, sport, horse riding, boating, travel and natural health. Victors natural healing story began with back pain. Tired of conventional drugs..he sought out natural pain relief with magnetic therapy. Victor wears the titanium heavy hitter wristband the 'Senator'. The results were so impressive, that he started Zenteq health! After 32 years, the art dealership has been handed down to his son (now the fourth generation in art!), leaving Victor to direct Zenteq Health full time.
Victor is Certified in Natural Health & Nutrition & Light Therapy. He has Certification as a Geo Biologist. If you need advise about which wristband to wear, don't hesitate to call Victor.
Zenteq Health : 03-5487888

The Importance of Magnetic Health Support.
Magnetic fields are important foundations of life. The process of cell division is the core of life due to magnetic energy. The bloodstream is vital for the transportation of life giving oxygen and nutrients. The bloodstream also helps to remove toxins naturally.
Unfortunately as we begin to age, we start to suffer from the effects of poor circulation, preventing the body from healing itself effectively. Cramps, chilblains, dry skin, stiffness and general aches and pains are all prime examples. These symptoms can often lead to more serious medical complaints resulting in the need to rely on daily medication.
magnets: energies you can see and feel!
Does it work?
A study to determine whether a static magnetic device can promote chronic leg ulcer healing were completed and published in the Journal of Wound Care Volume 14, Number 2 (Feb 2005).
“With the relatively few numbers of patients in the trial we were not expecting to observe such clear difference due to the magnetic device…. we felt that the results were of such potential importance that they merited publication at this stage. (See Trial below) What is more significant is that these were all patients whose ulcers were failing to heal by other usual treatments”. Dr Nyjon Eccles -Lead clinician for the study.

Scientific Magnetic Studies. Surveys & Trials
The misery of Restless Legs Syndrome survey.
Interim clinical report prior to publication in wound healing journal. Ulcercare Double blind placebo-controlled trial.
- Dr Nyjon Eccles BSc MBBS PhD MRCP
Improvement in symptoms.
Magnopulse conducted a Consumer Trial on almost 500 people suffering from Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS). They were all asked to wear Magnopulse LegCare leg-wrap for 4 weeks and complete a questionnaire before and after treatment. They were requested to record various symptoms on a scale of 0 (no problem) to 10 (severe problem). These have been analysed by a statistician.
After using the Magnopulse LegCare Wrap the results show that the respondents overall symptoms of RLS were reduced. By an inclusive measurement, 77.8 % had greater than 20% improvement, 66.1% had greater than 30% improvement and 45% had greater than 50%
RLS is believed to be a neurological disorder characterised by unpleasant sensations in the legs, usually between the knee and ankle, with an uncontrollable urge to move the legs when at rest in an effort to relieve these feelings.
Among the symptoms that occur in RLS :
Tingling, numbness or involuntary movement of the legs.
Pain, often accompanied with a deep ache, particularly at night.
Restlessness only eased when the leg is moved.
Sleep problems with a strong desire to get up and walk about.
An estimated 4 million people in the UK alone suffer tingling, numbness and pain that worsens at night causing sleep problems, restlessness, distress and frustration. Source: https://www.magnopulse.com/surveys-trials/
Dr. Nyjon Eccles obtained his medical qualifications in 1992 from UCL Medical School in London and has been a Member of the Royal College of Physicians (MRCP) since 1997. He had also graduated previously with a PhD in Pharmacology in 1992. He is primarily a general and naturopathic physician and has special interest and experience in complementary nutritional supportive treatments that promote well-being and recovery.
He is the Medical director of a private clinic in Harley Street, London called The Chiron Clinic where he is also involved with Medical Infrared Thermal Imaging technology and its application in the screening and monitoring of pain syndromes and early breast cancer detection (6-10 years earlier than mammography).
He has done live interviews on ITN news Channel 5 and LBC radio and an appearance on Tonight with Trevor McDonald.
He has also written many dossiers recently on the efficacy of “Magnet therapy” in pain relief and wound healing in addition to leading and conducting double blind clinical trials in the latter (some of which are still ongoing).
Zenteq Health is looking forward to adding Magnapulse to our extensive product range!

Randomised controlled trial of magnetic bracelets for relieving pain in osteoarthritis of the hip and knee
Limits Of Medicine :
BMJ Clinical Trail :
Randomised controlled trial of magnetic bracelets for relieving pain in osteoarthritis of the hip and knee.
The Limits Of Medicine Randomised controlled trial of magnetic bracelets for relieving pain in osteoarthritis of the hip and knee.
Tim Harlow, general practitioner (timharlow@eclipse.co.uk)
Colin Greaves, research fellow.
Adrian White, senior research fellow.
Liz Brown, research assistant.
Anna Hart, statistician.
Edzard Ernst, Professor of complementary medicine.
Objective: To determine the effectiveness of commercially available magnetic bracelets for pain control in osteoarthritis of the hip and knee.
Design: Randomised, placebo controlled trial with three parallel groups.
Setting: Five rural general practices.
Participants: 194 men and women aged 45-80 years with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee.
Intervention Wearing a standard strength static bipolar magnetic bracelet, a weak magnetic bracelet, or a non-magnetic (dummy) bracelet for 12 weeks.
Main outcome measures: Change in the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities osteoarthritis lower limb pain scale (WOMAC A) after 12 weeks, with the primary comparison between the standard and dummy groups. Secondary outcomes included changes in WOMAC B and C scales and a visual analogue scale for pain.
Results Mean pain scores were reduced more in the standard magnet group than in the dummy group (mean difference 1.3 points, 95% confidence interval 0.05 to 2.55). Self reported blinding status did not affect the results. The scores for secondary outcome measures were consistent with the WOMAC A scores.
Conclusion Pain from osteoarthritis of the hip and knee decreases when wearing magnetic bracelets.
For the full Report : http://www.bmj.com/content/329/7480/1450

Zenteq stocks Bioflow:
Bioflows Technology:
We believe our understanding of magnet technology combined with a commitment to development that has positioned Bioflow as one of the world’s leading brands in magnet therapy products, delivering benefits that have been recognised for over 25 years.
The core of Bioflow technology lies with our patented Central Reverse Polarity field – a strong, multi-directional force of magnetism. Unlike standard and competitor’s magnets, Bioflow’s Central Reverse Polarity magnet has three poles. When blood passes under this multi-directional field, cells experience an agitating effect. It is this effect combined with magnet strength that is essential for the product to be effective.
This technology is patented to Bioflow and no similar method exists.
Bioflow products conform with the highly regarded Medical Devices Directive and have approval as Class 1 Medical Devices in the UK and Europe. As a result, we are proud to display the CE mark on our Lifestyle and Sport ranges.
Bioflow was the first magnetic healthcare product in the UK to be recognized as a Class 1 Medical Device.

More Science for your interest:
“Acute Exposure to a Moderate Strength Static Magnetic Field Reduces Swelling”
By Dr. Morris CE, Skalak TC.
Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Virginia Health Sciences Center, Health System,
Charlottesville, VA 22908, USA.
LINK: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17982018?ordinalpos=1&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.
External application of static magnetic fields (SMF), used specifically for the treatment of inflammatory conditions such as soft tissue injuries, has recently become popular as a complementary and/or alternative therapy with minimal investigation into efficacy or mechanism. Localized inflammation was induced via injection of inflammatory agents lambda- carrageenan (CA) or histamine into rat hind paws, alone or in conjunction with pharmacological agents, resulting in a spatially and temporally defined inflammatory reaction. Application of a 10- or 70-mT, but not a 400-mT, SMF for 15 or 30 min immediately
following histamine-induced edema resulted in a significant, 20-50% reduction in edema formation. In addition, a 2-h, 70-mT field application to CA-induced
edema also resulted in significant (33-37%) edema reduction. Field application before injection or at the time of maximal edema did not influence edema
formation or resolution, respectively. Together, these results suggest the existence of a therapeutic threshold of SMF strength (below 400 mT) and a temporal dependence of efficacy. Administration of pharmacological agents directed at nitric oxide signaling and L-type Ca(2+) channel dynamics in conjunction with SMF treatment and histamine-induced edema revealed that the potential mechanism of SMF action may be via modulation of vascular tone through effects on L-type Ca(2+) channels in vascular smooth muscle cells.
Published: Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2008 Jan;294(1):H19-20.
LINK: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17478604?ordinalpos=2&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.
Magnetic field therapy has recently become a widely used complementary/alternative medicine for the treatment of vascular, as well as other musculoskeletal pathologies, including soft tissue injuries. Recent studies in our laboratory and others have suggested that acute static magnetic field (SMF) exposure can have a modulatory influence on the microvasculature, acting to normalize vascular function; however, the effect of chronic SMF exposure has not been investigated. This study aimed to measure, for the first time, the adaptive microvascular response to a chronic 7-day continuous magnetic field exposure. Murine dorsal skinfold chambers were applied on day 0, and neodymium static magnets (or size and weight-matched shams) were affixed to the
chambers at day 0, where they remained until day 7. Separate analysis of arteriolar and venular diameters revealed that chronic SMF application significantly abrogated the luminal diameter expansion observed in sham-treated networks. Magnet-treated venular diameters were significantly reduced at
day 4 and day 7 (34.3 and 54.4%, respectively) compared with sham-treated vessels. Arteriolar diameters were also significantly reduced by magnet treatment at day 7 (50%), but not significantly at day 4 (31.6%), although the same trend was evident. Venular functional length density was also significantly reduced (60%) by chronic field application. These results suggest that chronic SMF exposure can alter the adaptive microvascular remodeling response to mechanical injury, thus supporting the further study of chronic application of SMFs for the treatment of vascular pathologies involving the dysregulation of microvascular structure.
Published: J Appl Physiol. 2007 Aug;103(2):629-36. Epub 2007 May 3.