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Enjoy the benefits of Colloidal Silver while soothing and moisturising your skin luxuriantly. Our ionic silver colloid is formulated in a base of organic cold-pressed virgin coconut oil, beeswax, organic aloe vera juice, and organic oils of lavender and oregano (also a noted antibiotic)
Directions:Apply to any type of skin infection/skin irritation or tissue damage (burns/scrapes/cuts/sores) 2-3 times daily
Pure Colloidal Silver Health Products
Highest Quality and Value - that means Organic and Affordable
SALUD Colloidal Silver is produced with uncompromising care in New Zealand from the purest obtainable materials. Salud's philosophy is to offer the finest essential health products at prices that make them affordable for everyday use. Colloidal Silver is nature's broad-spectrum antibiotic and rapid tissue healer
Colloidal Silver - Nature's Antibiotic
What is Colloidal Silver?
Colloidal Silver is electrically charged particles of silver, suspended in distilled water. The silver particles are extremely small-usually ranging from 0.01 to 0.001 microns in diameter.
What is the Therapeutic Value of Colloidal Silver?
Medical journals from around the world describe Colloidal Silver as a powerful, wide-spectrum antibiotic. Colloidal silver disables the enzymes that all one-celled bacteria, fungi and viruses use for their oxygen metabolism. Recently UCLA medical labs tested Colloidal Silver. Pleomorphic or mutant forms of organisms are just as vulnerable. Most prescription antibiotics kill only a few different disease-causing organisms, but Colloidal Silver is known to successfully kill over 650.
Veterinarians also find it is useful against parvo-virus as well as other diseases of small and large animals.
Jar : 60ml $29

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Colloidal Silver Cream 60 ml



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